Meet Kandis Cazenave, CFR ambassador


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Posted: 2/19/2015

Meet Kandis Cazenave, CFR ambassador  

Senior wildlife, fisheries and aquaculture major Kandis Cazenave has been passionate about nature as long as she can remember. Growing up in Vacherie, Louisiana, she hunted, fished, hiked, rode horseback and showed livestock. All of these activities shaped her interest in wildlife biology.

She has worked on numerous research projects as an undergraduate student including switch grass pine plantation habitat, white-tailed deer vegetation surveys, bird banding, wetlands and fisheries, among many other projects. She also has hands-on experience with alligators and snakes. In the College of Forest Resources, she was allowed to develop her own directed individual research on water snake habitat use and behavior.

Cazenave is a proven leader inside and outside the classroom. She currently serves as the vice president of MSU's Wildlife Society student chapter and is a member of Ducks Unlimited student chapter, and she plays intramural sports. After graduation, she plans on attending graduate school to further her education in wildlife conservation.

Wildlife and Fisheries