College of Forest Resources Directory

Raymond Iglay

Research Associate II

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Raymond Iglay

Firth, A. G., B. H. Baker, J. P. Brooks, R. Smith, R. B. Iglay, J. B. Davis. 2020. Investigation of pathogenic bacterial transport by waterbirds: A case study of flooded and non-flooded rice systems in Mississippi. Water 12:1833. Download

Firth, A. G., B. H. Baker, M. Gibbs, J. P. Brooks, R. Smith, R. B. Iglay, J. B. Davis. 2020. Using cameras to index waterfowl abundance in winter-flooded rice fields. MethodsX 7:101036. Download

Entsminger, E. D., J. W. Guyton, R. B. Iglay, J. C. Jones. 2018. Highway right-of-way mowing regimens in Northeastern Mississippi: Effects on prairie plant species. Chapter 17, Pages 256-263 in J. G. Hill and J. A. Barone, editors, Southeastern Grasslands: Biodiversity, Ecology, and Management. University of Alabama Press. 344 pp.

Iglay, R. B., B. N. Buckingham, T. W. Seamans, J. A. Martin, B. F. Blackwell, J. L. Belant, and T. L. DeVault. 2017. Bird use of grain fields and implications for habitat management at airports. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 242:34-42. Download

Greene, R. E., R. B. Iglay, K. O. Evans, D. A. Miller, T. B. Wigley, S. K. Riffell. 2016. A meta-analysis of biodiversity responses to management of southeastern pine forests—opportunities for open pine conservation. Forest Ecology and Management 360:30-39. Download

Iglay, R. B., D. A. Miller, B. D. Leopold, and L. W. Burger, Jr. 2015. Soil N and C response to mid-rotation vegetation management in intensively managed pine stands. Soil Science 180:33-38. Download

Iglay, R.B., B.D. Leopold, D. Miller. 2014. Summer herpetofaunal response to prescribed fire and herbicide in intensively managed, mid-rotation pine stands in Mississippi. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(1): 33-42. Download

Iglay, R.B., B.D. Leopold, D. Miller. 2014. Vegetation responses to fire and herbicide in intensively managed, mid-rotation pine. Forest Ecology and Management 325: 69-78. Download

Iglay, R.B., D. Miller, B.D. Leopold. 2012. Carabid community response to prescribed fire and herbicide in intensively managed, mid-rotation pine stands in Mississippi. Forest Ecology and Management 281:41-47. Download

Iglay, R.B., S. Demarais, T. Wigley, D. Miller. 2012. Bird community dynamics and vegetation relationships among stand establishment practices in intensively managed pine stands. Forest Ecology and Management 283:1-9. Download

Iglay, R., B.D. Leopold, L.W. Burger Jr., D.A. Miller. 2005. Food availability versus preference of wild turkey poults in intensively-managed pine stands in Mississippi. Proceedings, Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 59:100-113. Download

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