College of Forest Resources Directory

J. Brian Davis

James C. Kennedy Endowed Associate Professor in Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation

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J. Brian Davis

Evans, K. O., J. B. Davis, G. Wang. 2023. Assessing long-term dynamics of nonbreeding Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) populations using Christmas Bird Count data. Ibis 165(1):55-68. Download

Davis, J. B. 2022. Mottled duck introductions to South Carolina: The ugly, the bad, and the good? Ecology and Evolution 12:e8850. Download

Davis, J. B., D. C. Outlaw, K. M. Ringelman, R. M. Kaminski, P. Lavretsky. 2022. Low levels of hybridization between domestic and wild Mallards wintering in the lower Mississippi Flyway. Ornithology 139:1-11. Download

Davis, J. B., M. R. Boudreau, K. C. Monroe, R. M. Kaminski. 2022. Resource use overlap by sympatric wintering American black ducks and mallards in Tennessee. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13(2):460-472. Download

Davis, J. B., M. R. Boudreau, T. G. Peterson, R. M. Kaminski, M. E. Colvin. 2022. Wintering waterfowl use of wetlands in Delta National Forest, Mississippi. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 9:96-104. Download

Lavretsky, P., F. Hernandez, J. B. Davis. 2022. Ovarian degeneration resulting in the phenotypic masculinisation of a wild female Mallard Anas platyrhynchos. Wildfowl Journal 72:174-181. Download

McClanahan, M.D., J. M. Osborn, H. M. Hagy, J. B. Davis, R. M. Wheat, M. J. Gray. 2022. Effects of Alligatorweed Control in Seasonal Wetlands Managed for Waterfowl. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildife Agencies 9:105-113. Download

Ogawa, R., J. B. Davis, D. T. King, L. W. Burger, B. K. Strickland, M. A. Sovada, G. Wang, F. L. Cunningham. 2022. Migratory movements and home ranges of geographically distinct wintering populations of a soaring bird. Diversity 14(12). Download

Parys, K. A., K. A. Davis, S. T. James, J. B. Davis, H. Tyler, T. Griswold. 2022. First report of a gynandromorph of Florilegus condignus (Cresson, 1878) (Hymenoptera, Apidae), with notes on phenology and abundance. Journal of Hymenoptera 89:233-244. Download

Sheehan, K. L., B. S. Dorr, S. A. Clements, T. W. Christie, K. C. Hanson-Dorr, S. A. Rush, J. B. Davis. 2022 Predicting consistent foraging ecologies of migrating waterbirds: Using stable isotope and parasite measurements as indicators of landscape use. Ecological Indicators 140:109038. Download

Christie, T. W., B. S. Dorr, J. B. Davis, L. A. Roy, C. R. Engle, K. C. Hanson-Dorr, A. M. Kelly. 2021. Food habits of wintering double-crested cormorants in the Mississippi Delta. Food Webs 26:e00185. Download

Clements, S. A., B. S. Dorr, J. B. Davis, L. A. Roy, C. E. Engle, K. C. Hanson-Dorr, A. M. Kelly. 2021. Scaup depredation on Arkansas baitfish and sportfish aquaculture. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45(3):517-528. Download

Clements, S. A., B. S. Dorr, J. B. Davis, L. A. Roy, C. R. Engle, K. C. Hanson-Dorr, A. M. Kelly. 2021. Distribution and abundance of scaup using baitfish and sportfish farms in eastern Arkansas. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 52(2):347-361. Download

Engle, C. R, T. W. Christie, B. S. Dorr, G. Kumar, B. Davis, L. A. Roy, A. M. Kelly. 2021. Principal economic effects of cormorant predation on catfish farms. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 52:41-56. Download

Engle, C. R. S. Clements, B. S. Dorr, J. B. Davis, L. A. Roy, A. M. Kelly. 2021. Economic effects of predation by scaup on baitfish and sportfish farms. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 52(2):329-346. Download

Monroe, K. C., J. B. Davis, A. P. Monroe, R. M. Kaminski, M. J. Gray, D. L. Evans. 2021. Winter habitat selection by a declining American black duck population. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Download

Osborn, J. M., H. M. Hagy, M. D. McClanahan, J. B. Davis, M. J. Gray. 2021. Habitat selection and foraging strategy of American Black Ducks Anas rubripes wintering in Tennessee, USA. Wildfowl 71:120-146. Download

Christie, T., B. Dorr, L. Roy, A. M. Kelly, C. Engle, P. Burr, B. Davis, J. van Senten. 2020. Cormorant predation of commercial catfish aquaculture in the Mississippi Delta. Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication AAEC-231. Download

Clements, S. A., B. S. Dorr, J. B. Davis, L. A. Roy, C. R. Engle, K. C. Hanson-Dorr, A. M. Kelly. 2020. Diets of scaup occupying baitfish and sportfish farms in eastern Arkansas. Food Webs e00141. Download

Firth, A. G., B. H. Baker, J. P. Brooks, R. Smith, R. B. Iglay, J. B. Davis. 2020. Investigation of pathogenic bacterial transport by waterbirds: A case study of flooded and non-flooded rice systems in Mississippi. Water 12:1833. Download

Firth, A. G., B. H. Baker, M. Gibbs, J. P. Brooks, R. Smith, R. B. Iglay, J. B. Davis. 2020. Using cameras to index waterfowl abundance in winter-flooded rice fields. MethodsX 7:101036. Download

Gross, M. C., J. D. Lancaster, J. W. Simpson, B. T. Shirkey, S. E. McClain, C. N. Jacques, J. B. Davis, H. M. Hagy. 2020. Energetic carrying capacity of submersed aquatic vegetation in semi-permanent wetlands important to waterfowl in the Upper Midwest. Wetlands 40:491-501. Download

Gross, M. C., S. E. McClain, J. D. Lancaster, C. N. Jacques, J. B. Davis, J. W. Simpson, A. P. Yetter, H. M. Hagy. 2020. Variation in true metabolizable energy among aquatic vegetation and ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 84(4):749-758. Download

Kneece, M. R., J. D. Lancaster, J. B. Davis, D. E. Harrigal. 2020. Survival and recovery of mottled ducks in Coastal South Carolina, 2008-2018. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 7:189-194. Download

Marty, J. R., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, M. G. Brasher, S. A. Rush. 2020. Gulf Coast riceland seed biomass estimates for waterfowl habitat conservation. The Journal of Wildlife Management 84(7):1315-1325. Download

Vilella, F. J., J. A. Cruz-Burgos, R. M. Kaminski, H. R. Murkin, J. B. Davis, S. L. Weitzel, F. Vizcarra. 2020. Avian community responses to management of vegetation and water levels in restored wetlands at the Humacao Nature Reserve, Puerto Rico. Caribbean Naturalist 72. Download

Clements, S., B. Dorr, C. Engle, L. Roy, A. Kelly, J. van Senten, B. Davis. 2018. The problems of avian predators on fish farms: Scaup on baitfish (Golden Shiner) farms. Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech Publication AAEC-191NP. Download

Foth, J. R., R. M. Kaminski, J. B. Davis, J. N. Straub, T. D. Leininger. 2018. Aquatic invertebrate community composition, diversity, and biomass in non-impounded bottomland hardwood forests and greentree reservoirs. Journal of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 5:125-135. Download

Tapp, J. L., M. W. Weegman, E. B. Webb, R. M. Kaminski, J. B. Davis. 2018. Waterbird communities and seed biomass in managed and reference-restored wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Restoration Ecology 26(3):591-599. Download

Davis, J.B., F.J. Vilella, J.D. Lancaster, M. López-Flores, R.M. Kaminski, J.A. Cruz-Burgos. 2017. Survival of White-cheeked Pintail ducklings and broods in Puerto Rico. The Condor 119(2):308-320. Download

Marty, J.R., J.B. Davis, M.G. Brasher, R.M. Kaminski, E.L. Brinkman. 2017. Density of lead and nontoxic shotshell pellets in Gulf Coast Prairie ricelands. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8(1). Download

Osborn, J. M., H. M. Hagy, M. D. McClanahan, J. B. Davis, M. J. Gray. 2017. Habitat selection and activities of dabbling ducks during non-breeding periods. Journal of Wildlife Management 81(8):1482-1493. Download

Davis, J.B. 2016. Book review, The Teal. The Condor 118:682-683. Download

Davis, J.B. 2016. The Mississippi Alluvial Valley. The Wetland Book, pp 1-13. Living Reference Work Entry, Springer Netherlands. Download

Davis, J.B., J.N. Straub, G. Wang, R.M. Kaminski, B.D. Leopold. 2015. Simulations of wood duck recruitment from nest boxes in Mississippi and Alabama. The Journal of Wildlife Management 79(6):907-916. Download

Feaga, J.S., F.J. Vilella, R.M. Kaminski, J.B. Davis. 2015. Waterbird use of catfish ponds and Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative wetlands in Mississippi. Waterbirds 38(3):269-281. Download

Lancaster, J.D., J.B. Davis, R.M. Kaminski, A.D. Afton, E.J. Penny. 2015. Mallard use of a managed public hunting area in Mississippi. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:281-287. Download

Marty, J.R., J.B. Davis, R.M. Kaminski, M.G. Brasher, G. Wang. 2015. Waste rice and natural seed abundances in rice fields in the Louisiana and Texas Coastal Prairies. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:121-126. Download

Shipes, J.C., J.B. Davis, E.P. Wiggers, W.E. Mills, R.M. Kaminski, M.R. Kneece. 2015. Annual habitat selection by mottled ducks in Coastal South Carolina. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:268-273. Download

Brasher, M.G., J.B. Davis, M.R. Kaminski, R.B. Emery, R.M. Kaminski, G.A. Baldassarre. 2014. Criteria for determining breeding-pair status of male mallards captured in decoy traps. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(3):599-604. Download

Davis, J.B., E. Webb, R.M. Kaminski, P.J. Barbour, F.J. Vilella. 2014. Comprehensive framework for ecological assessment of the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Southeastern Naturalist 13(4):G66-G81. Download

Davis, J.B., M. Guillemain, R.M. Kaminski, C. Arzel, J.M. Eadie, E.C. Rees. 2014. Habitat and resource use by waterfowl in the northern hemisphere in autumn and winter. Wildfowl Special Issue No. 4:17-69. Download

Foth, J., R.M. Kaminski, J.B. Davis, J. Straub, T.D. Leininger. 2014. Aquatic invertebrate abundance and biomass in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Missouri bottomland hardwood forests during winter. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management5(2):243-251. Download

Kaminski, R.M. and J.B. Davis. 2014. Wildfowl Special Issue No. 4: Preface. Wildfowl Special Issue No. 4:5-8. Download

Kaminski, R.M., J.B. Davis. 2014. Evaluation of the migratory bird habitat initiative: Report of findings. Forest and Wildlife Research Center, Research Bulletin WF391, Mississippi State University. 24 pp. Download

Laborde, L., R.M. Kaminski, J.B. Davis. 2014. Assessment of the 6th North American Duck Symposium (2013): "Ecology and Conservation of North American Waterfowl." Wildfowl: Special Issue No. 4:512-519. Download

Lopez-Flores, M., J.B. Davis, F.J. Vilella, R.M. Kaminski, J.A. Cruz-Burgos, J.D. Lancaster. 2014. Survival of female white-cheeked pintails during brood rearing in Puerto Rico. Caribbean Naturalist 10:1-12. Download

Newcomb, K.C., A.P. Monroe, J.B. Davis, M.J. Gray. 2014. Shorebird response to post-flood drawdowns on Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge. Southeastern Naturalist 13(4):744-761. Download

Tullos, A., B.K. Strickland, J. Davis. 2014. Waterfowl. Pages 215-235 in A.T. Rohnke and J. Cummins, editors, Fish and Wildlife Management: A handbook for Mississippi Landowners. University Press of Mississippi. Jackson, MS, USA.

Kaminski, M.R., G. Baldassarre, J. Davis, E.R. Wengert, R.M. Kaminski. 2013. Mallard survival and nesting ecology in the lower Great Lakes region, New York. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:778-786. Download

Langley, K., R.M. Kaminski, J. Davis, R.F. Poor. 2012. Wetlands Education and Functions on a University Campus, Mississippi State University. Wetland Science and Practice 29(3):20-25.

Havens, J.H., R.M. Kaminski, J.B. Davis, S.K. Riffell. 2010. Winter abundance of waterfowl and waste rice managed Arkansas rice fields. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 63:41-46. Download

Davis, J.B., B.D. Leopold, R.M. Kaminski, R.R. Cox Jr. 2009. Wood duck duckling mortality and habitat implications in floodplain systems. Wetlands 29(2):607-614. Download

Davis, J.B., R. Cox, R.M. Kaminski, B.D. Leopold. 2007. Survival of wood duck ducklings and broods in Mississippi and Alabama. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:507-517. Download

Davis, J.B., R.M. Kaminski, B.D. Leopold, R.R. Cox, L.W. Burger, Jr., E.D. Dibble. 2005. Young ducks in Dixie, life beyond the shell. Mississippi Outdoors 68(1):25-28.

Davis, J.B., R.M. Kaminski. 2003. Wood ducks in dixie: Striving to survive early life. Outdoor Alabama 75(1):4-6.

Kaminski, R.M., J.B. Davis, H.W. Essig, P.D. Gerard, K.J. Reinecke. 2003. True metabolizable energy for wood ducks from acorns compared to other waterfowl foods. Journal of Wildlife Management 67:542-550.

Davis, J.B., R.M. Kaminski. 2002. Wood duck broods in Dixie: Striving to survive early life. Forest and Wildlife Research Center, Research Advances 7(2):1-4. Download

Davis, J.B., B.D. Leopold, R.M. Kaminski. 2001. Evaluation of exodus rates of differently marked wood duck ducklings from nest boxes. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:1206-1211.

Davis, J.B., R.M. Kaminski, B.D. Leopold, R.R. Cox. 2001. Survival of female wood ducks during brood rearing in Mississippi and Alabama. Journal of Wildlife Management 65: 738-744.

Davis, J.B., R.M. Kaminski, B.D. Leopold, R.R. Cox, Jr. 2000. Survival and causes of mortality of wood duck hens and ducklings in Alabama and Mississippi. Proc., 2nd North American Duck Symposium, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

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