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Enhancing the intellectual, cultural, social and professional development of our students by providing them with knowledge and skills needed to produce, manage, utilize and sustain forest, wildlife, fisheries and other natural resources effectively


Performance Indicator ID/Name


 1. Number of full-time undergraduates 434
2. Amount of teaching funds $2,080,295
3. Amount of scholarship funding available for students $288,000
4. Number of distance learning courses developed 17
5. Percent of graduating seniors with professional experience 80%
6. Number of students receiving awards 31
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Producing and communicating information and technology relevant to Mississippi’s forest, wildlife, fisheries, and other natural resources, and to conserve and sustain the natural environment associated with these resources


Performance Indicator ID/Name


7. Number of research grant applications submitted 305
8. Number of enrolled Ms and PhD students 142
9. Commercialization of research: licenses signed, patents, and disclosure inventions 10
10. Number of refereed publications 175
11. Research expenditures from extramural grants $9,312,233
12. Research expenditures from state funding $6,455,615
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Transferring new and existing information and technology to industry, public and private agencies, organizations, landowners.


Performance Indicator ID/Name


13. Number of presentations at workshops, conferences and symposia 451
14. Number of outreach publications and technology transfer brochures produced 22
15. Number of Extension personnel 17
16. Number of participants attending Extension programs 35,211
17. Expenditures for Extension programming from extramural sources $1,467,770
18. Expenditures for Extension programming from state sources $1,022,541
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Consistent support to employee learning, growth and workplace development


Performance Indicator ID/Name


19. Number of endowed chairs/professorships 18
20. Capital expenditure and planned maintenance $280,026
21. Number of media articles 23
22. Amount of development funding $8,474,555
23. Faculty honors 32
24. Number of leadership positions in professional organizations 21