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CFR Graduate Programs

Department of Forestry

Graduate study is offered in the Department of Forestry leading to the degrees of Master of Science in forestry and Doctor of Philosophy in forest resources. Students may pursue a thesis or non-thesis option in the Master of Science in Forestry program. Specialized areas of study include forest business, forest management and economics, forest genetics, forest hydrology and soils, silviculture, forest biometrics, forest photogrammetry and remote sensing, forest tree and seed physiology, forest harvesting and operations, and forest ecophysiology. The department also offers a Master Science in Forestry Degree through distance learning. Pursue your goals with this 30 hour advanced degree in forestry highlighting forest management, natural resource policy and law, and forest economics.

Forestry Graduate Courses

For more information, visit

Department of Sustainable Bioproducts

Graduate study in the Department of Sustainable Bioproducts leads to the Master of Science degree in Sustainable Bioproducts or a Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Resources with an emphasis in Forest Products. The Master of Science degree in Sustainable Bioproducts requires 24 hours of course work, 6 hours of research for a thesis, and a comprehensive examination. There is also a non-thesis option in the Master of Science in Sustainable Bioproducts available on-campus and through online distance learning. Major areas of study include composite wood products, environmental biotechnology, wood preservation, business and production systems, wood chemistry, and furniture.

Sustainable Bioproducts Graduate Courses

For more information, visit

Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Aquaculture

The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture offers graduate education leading to the Master of Science in Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture. The Masters of Science degrees requires 24 hours of course work, including one graduate course in statistics, a thesis and a comprehensive oral examination. A Ph.D. degree is offered in Forest Resources with emphasis in wildlife, fisheries, and aquaculture. Specific research interests include all aspects of wildlife, fisheries, and aquaculture. The department also offers an online master's in Conservation Education through distance learning.

Wildlife, Fisheries, & Aquaculture Graduate Courses

For more information, visit

Graduate Forms

All graduate forms are available on the Office of the Graduate School website and on the CFR current student website.