CFR News Wildlife & Fisheries Stories

MSU announces waterfowl-wetland conservation scholarships

A Georgia-based company is doing much more than building upscale residences these days.

Scenic Homes, a family owned business, also is working to further waterfowl and wetland conservation through a $424,000 scholarship endowment recently established at Mississippi State.

The owner and partners of the construction firm--whi...


New book by MSU professor takes readers on outdoor adventures

A collection of short stories and conservational essays by a veteran Mississippi State fisheries biologist and nationally recognized conservationist now is on bookshelves.

"Tracks" reflects on the 20-year professional career--spent largely outdoors--of university professor Donald C. Jackson. The 279-page collection is published by Univ...


Recognized wildlife veterinarian to lead MSU program

The executive director of an international organization specializing in wildlife capture and handling will speak Oct. 26 at Mississippi State.

Dr. Mark Johnson of Global Wildlife Resources Inc. will lead an hourlong public program beginning at 11 a.m. in the Tulley Auditorium of Thompson Hall. A reception follows in the lobby.



MSU student honored for waterfowl study presentation

A College of Forest Resources doctoral student at Mississippi State University is receiving national recognition for his research presentation on waterfowl populations in the Magnolia State.

Aaron T. Pearse of Oberlin, Kan., received a top award for an oral report given at the recent Fourth North American Duck Symposium in Bismarck, N....


MSU scientists hunting statistics about state hunters

An analysis of 25 years of a Mississippi hunters survey reveals both a decline in the number of licensed hunters and a noticeable shift in species sought.

Mississippi licensed big game hunters have decreased from 211,063 in 1980 to 180,765 in 2005, or 14 percent. Small game hunters have decreased from 255,932 to 185,478, or 27 percent...


MSU researchers advise not to waste 'waste rice'

Millions of ducks and geese depend on waste rice -- grain that escapes combines during harvest -- as a rich source of energy while wintering in major rice-growing states such as Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Texas.

Rice producers do not intentionally waste rice, but combines are unable to collect all the ri...


Natural resources businesses provide income opportunities

Landowners searching for ways to increase their income may need to look no further than their backyard. That is what Wade Henson did.

Henson developed a successful fee-hunting business on his family's farm near Kilmichael. He started Cypress Lodge Outfitters on a shoestring budget in 1994, offering just a few hunts a year.



MSU professor to head leading professional fisheries society

A nationally recognized professor in Mississippi State's College of Forest Resources is in line to become president of the American Fisheries Society.

Don Jackson of the university's wildlife and fisheries department recently was elected as the organization's second vice president. He becomes the top officer of the 10,000-member organ...


New MSU study: bird habitats clearly in our 'fields' of vision

Privately owned Southeastern forests and farmlands that produce food and fiber products for growing global markets also can provide essential habitats for grassland birds and hundreds of other wildlife species.

Numerous factors, including farm consolidation, single-crop production, wetland loss, and intensive forest management, have c...


MSU researchers begin Sardis Reservoir angler survey

According to a 2001 federal survey, more than $210 million is spent each year on fishing-related activities in Mississippi by some 586,000 anglers.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service report also found that nearly 12 percent of this cash stream comes from non-state residents crossing the borders to reach Mississippi's 14,000 miles of s...


Ducks Unlimited Honors MSU Professor Rick Kaminski

Ducks Unlimited honored Mississippi State University Professor Rick Kaminski at the 71st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, in Columbus, Ohio, by awarding him its Wetland Conservation Achievement Award. Because of his life-long commitment to wetlands and waterfowl, Dr. Rick Kaminski distinguished himself as the research pr...


MSU study reveals wild side of famous military park

Thousands of annual visitors to the Vicksburg National Military Park walk and drive through the riverside scene of a pivotal Civil War battle. Most remain, however, within the well-manicured areas that surround most monuments, artillery emplacements and other key points of the great struggle.

Few probably ever appreciate the 1,800-acre...


Landowners explore income opportunities

Mississippi and Arkansas landowners interested in earning additional revenue from their land can take part in a March 2 workshop focusing on natural resource enterprises.

A variety of enterprises can be developed from natural resources including fee hunting and fishing, agritourism, wildlife watching, trail riding and heritage tourism....


MSU helping balance Mother Nature, military readiness

When the petite blonde researcher from Mississippi State speaks, even heavy artillery and tank commanders listen.

Since 1987, Jeanne Jones has been helping the military with techniques that create harmony between military training and natural resources conservation. While erosion control was the initial focus on more than 280,000 acre...


MSU doctoral student Dan O'Keefe selected for national award

A College of Forest Resources doctoral student at Mississippi State is among four honored recently by professionals attending the 2005 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference in Michigan.

Daniel M. "Dan" O'Keefe of Shepherd, Mich., who is completing a terminal degree in wildlife and fisheries at the land-grant university, received the fi...


Brazilian scholars expand fisheries knowledge at MSU

Far from their home 4,600 miles to the south, two husband/wife Brazilian research teams are studying fisheries and aquatic ecosystems in Mississippi.

During the just concluded fall semester, aquatic ecologists Sidinei Thomaz and Rosemara Fugi of Maringa State University have been the guests of Mississippi State wildlife and fisheries ...


MSU Berryman Seminar to focus on human-wildlife conflicts

A key administrator with the federal Wildlife Service will be the featured speaker Nov. 29 for the 2005 Berryman Institute Seminar at Mississippi State University.

Rich Chipman, New York state director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture agency, will lead an hourlong public program beginning at 10:30 a.m. in 208A Thompson Hall.



MSU '06 workshops to offer natural resources enterprise lessons

Bird watching is a national phenomenon, one the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has called the fastest growing recreational activity in America.

The federal agency is reporting that some 50 million citizens identify themselves as bird watchers. Add to this multi-billion dollar activity those who also hunt and fish, and landowners--espe...


MSU technology helped save lives on hurricane-battered coast

Mississippi State scientists used their aerial imagery and mapping skills to help rescue hundreds of stranded survivors of Hurricane Katrina and are continuing to provide valuable assistance in the ongoing disaster recovery effort.

Thirteen faculty, researchers and graduate students from the university's GeoResources Institute and Fore...


MSU researcher recognized for contributions to quail conservation

An avian ecologist and wildlife and fisheries professor at Mississippi State University is receiving a major regional honor for his contributions to the conservation of bobwhite quail.

Wes Burger's recent presentation of the Southeast Quail Study Group Annual Award puts him in the select company of only eight others who have received t...


New MSU study: Saving waste rice for ducks also saves dollars

A soon-to-be completed study by Mississippi State scientists recommends that farmers who leave standing stubble in rice fields after harvest may increase "waste" rice by 44 percent for waterfowl wintering in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley.

The five-year university investigation into various post-harvest field practices also con...


Reversing the Trend, MSU professor works to restore bobwhite quail

The whistle of the bobwhite quail evokes fond memories of growing up in the south. Each spring, the whistle can be heard throughout the countryside, ‘bob-bob-white'. Male bobwhites are whistling in hopes of attracting females to the area. However, the whistle of the bobwhite is declining across the country.

It's not only the whistl...



You may think television has the crime scene investigation landscape covered with programs set in New York, Las Vegas, Miami and anywhere the U.S. Navy operates. It has, however, missed a location where a lot of laws are broken: the nation's hunting and recreational fishing areas.

Teaching current and future wildlife law enforcem...


MSU white-tailed deer research receives national recognition

Though nearly annihilated in the Southeast during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, white-tailed deer populations have rebounded thanks to highly successful recovery programs.

A Mississippi State research report examining genetic effects of the recovery programs is earning the top publication award of the Wildlife Society, an in...


U.S. education groups tap Jeanne Jones of MSU for highest honor

A 20-year wildlife and fisheries teaching and research veteran at Mississippi State is being recognized by two nationally prominent education-support organizations.

Associate professor Jeanne C. Jones is receiving the 2004 Mississippi CASE Professor of the Year Award from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the...


MSU student wildlife researcher receives top international honor

A pioneering genetic study of male deer reproductive success is earning a first-place international honor for a recent doctoral graduate of Mississippi State.

Randall W. "Randy" DeYoung of Kingsville, Texas, a May graduate of the university's department of wildlife and fisheries, recently was honored for a research report he presented...


Waterfowl workshop promotes youth hunting ethics, skills

A half-day program Nov. 13 at the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge near Starkville will introduce young people ages 12-18 to the sport and ethics of hunting waterfowl.

The Noxubee Youth Waterfowl Workshop is an annual collaboration among Mississippi State University, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife Society, and a number of cor...


Research targets restoring quail species

Declining populations of quail led Mississippi State University researchers to a grant to study the effectiveness of programs that restore habitat for this traditionally popular game bird.

Wildlife researchers hope to turn around the Northern bobwhite quail's population decline by recreating elements of historic land conditions. The po...


MSU research: dwindling waste rice will affect wintering waterfowl

Rice lands, once thought to be a plentiful feast for ducks in the Mississippi Delta region, may not provide the banquet predicted.

A recent four-year study by Mississippi State's Forest and Wildlife Research Center indicates the carrying capacity of rice lands for wintering waterfowl actually is about 80 percent less than that estimate...


Rainy weather drives beavers to timberlands

Torrential rains during June caused beavers to move from their normal habitats to seek new food and building materials, and Mississippi State researchers advise checking timberlands for damage now that rains have subsided.

Scientists at MSU's Forest and Wildlife Research Center note that because of their aquatic nature, flat-tailed, sh...


Displaying 301 - 330 of 372 Stories