Mississippi State University's student chapter of the Society of American Foresters continues among the top organizations of its kind in the nation.
The 40-member body recently placed first in the SAF Student Chapter Web site competition and now ranks second overall in the outstanding student chapter category.
The group has finished atop the overall chapter rankings for the past eight years, capturing first place in the 1996-97, 2000-01, 2003-04, and 2005-06 school years; second place in 1998-99, 2001-02 and 2004-05; and third place in 2002-03.
The chapter now has won first place for five years in Web site competition. Designed and maintained by members, the site--www.cfr.msstate.edu/studentorgs/saf/--was judged on design and content, among other criteria.
All forestry majors, the 2006-07 officers include president J. Eric Ezell of Starkville, vice president James D. Floyd of Thomasville, N.C., secretary Jean E. Chervenak of Poplar Bluff, Mo., and treasurer Emily M. Courtney of Clinton. Associate professor of forestry Donald L. Grebner is chapter adviser.
Founded in 1900, SAF is the world's largest professional organization for foresters. Its 15,000 active members engage in a variety of programs to improve the health, productivity and use of the nation's forestlands.
The formal awards presentation will take place Oct. 26 as part of the national SAF convention in Portland, Ore. Grebner also will be recognized during the ceremony for his contribution to the student organization.
LOCAL EDITORS: Additional information: Ezell is a senior and the son of Andrew and Kevier Ezell; Floyd, also a senior and the son of James and Martha Floyd; Chervenak, a junior and daughter of John and Vicki Chervenak; and Courtney, also a junior and the daughter of Anthony and Barbara Courtney.