MSU profs, grad student honored for research at regional meeting


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Posted: 12/3/2007


Two faculty members and a doctoral student in Mississippi State University's College of Forest Resources are top winners in a recent regional research competition.

Wildlife and fisheries assistant professor Bronson Strickland and professor Steve Demarais received the Best Peer-Reviewed Publication and Best Technical Publication awards at the recent annual meeting of the Wildlife Society, Mississippi Chapter.

Heath M. Hagy of Starkville was honored for the best student oral presentation at the meeting.

Strickland and Demarais, along with Larry Castle, are authors of an article entitled "Antler Regulation Effects on White-tailed Deer on Mississippi Public Hunting Areas." Printed in the Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, their research report describes the effects of a statewide antler regulation on the age structure, antler characteristics, and production of male white-tailed deer.

"Using Antler Restrictions to Manage for Older-aged Bucks" was the faculty colleagues' entry receiving the best technical article recognition. Published by the MSU Extension Service, it was developed for wildlife biologists and managers to explain the logic behind antler restrictions, as well as the pros and cons of antler restrictions as a management tool.

Hagy's presentation focused on waterfowl food abundance, depletion and use during winter in managed wetlands in the Mississippi Delta.

Under the direction of wildlife and fisheries professor Richard M. Kaminski, the Frederick, Okla., native began work on his terminal degree at MSU last fall after completing a master's degree from North Dakota State University.

Wildlife and Fisheries