MSU faculty member, student take top regional honors


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Posted: 12/10/2007


A Mississippi State faculty member and a doctoral student at the university are being recognized for respective achievements by the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

In recent SEAFWA competition, College of Forest Resources associate professor Jeanne Jones was cited for the best wildlife research report that she and four colleagues prepared on bird communities found in two Mississippi agricultural land bases.

Jones' co-authors included Mississippi State professor emeritus Dale Arner, post-doctoral associate Jarrod Fogarty, university alumnus Jimmy Taylor, and Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks biologist Dave Godwin.

Also, Katie Edwards of Starkville received the best student visual display award. Competing among a field of 13, the Chantilly, Va., native's presentation illustrated amphibians' use of manmade wetlands and stream-connected floodplain pools found on public forest lands of North Mississippi.

Edwards is working on her terminal degree under Jones' direction. She received an MSU master's degree in May in wildlife science.

Wildlife and Fisheries