The biennial Mid-South Forestry Equipment Show is celebrating its 25th year of showcasing the newest technology and machinery used to advance the South's timber industry.
With over 6,000 attending from 20 states and two Canadian providences in 2006, this year's show, scheduled for June 6-7, promises to be just as eventful.
The equipment show is the oldest and largest live woods demonstration of forestry equipment in the nation. On display will be the latest developments of such companies as Bandit, Barko, Caterpillar, John Deere, Rotobec, Tigercat, Stribling Equipment and many others.
"A new event this year will provide individuals a chance to see woody biomass conversion into energy. The Woody Biomass: Fueling the Future workshop is scheduled the day before the show on June 5," said Liam Leightley, Forest and Wildlife Research Center interim associate director and workshop organizer.
Speakers will explain the current state of woody biomass, how to locate it, what equipment is used and a variety of other topics. A full-size mobile biomass gasification and combined heat and power generation unit will also be on display, Leightley added.
"The Mid-South Forestry Equipment Show offers opportunities for loggers, landowners and foresters to continue their education by attending one of the many lectures offered during the two-day event," said Charles Burkhardt, show manager and forest supervisor.
The popular Prentice Loader Championship returns this year to test the skills of timber industry professionals. Originated in 1972, the loader contest is a timed challenge rewarded with prizes and/or cash.
"Contestants must successfully remove vertical log blocks from a checkerboard and then return them to their original squares," Burkhardt said. "However, it is harder than it sounds when you are using a log loader to move the blocks."
The show sponsors a skidder contest, and there is also a children's areas which features events such as the Little Folks Skidder Contest, Log Rolling Contest, Sawdust Pile of Prizes, plus many more fun activities.
The event is held on the John W. Starr Memorial Forest off of Highway 25 near Starkville, MS and is being sponsored by Mississippi State University's College of Forest Resources, Hatton-Brown Publishers Inc., Mississippi Logger's Association, and the Mississippi Forestry Association.
Pre-registration is $10 through the website, which includes both days of the show. Admission at the door is $15. Spouses and children under 18 are admitted free with a paid attendee.
For more information, visit the website at