Shmulsky accepted for the national Food Systems Leadership Institute


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Posted: 12/1/2008


Rubin Shmulsky was accepted for the Fall 2008 Food Systems Leadership Institute, a top-tier leadership development program for academia, industry, and government. The FSLI enhances personal and professional development by emphasizing leadership competencies, skills for organizational change, and a broad, interdisciplinary perspective of food systems.

FSLI scholars are individuals with demonstrated leadership ability who are strongly motivated to further advance their leadership knowledge and skills. The FSLI experience prepares them for upper-level leadership roles in food system programs, and to assume broader leadership responsibilities within their organizations.

During the FSLI program, scholars work with expert instructors, leadership development coaches, and a mentor to hone their abilities. They meet with leaders of universities and university systems, political leaders, and others who have advanced to the highest levels of leadership. Leadership theory is combined with practical experience, often in the context of food systems and higher education.

The FSLI is a two year program. Year one includes intensive executive education-style residential learning sessions at three university locations. Scholars perform assessments to increase their self awareness of their leadership style, and the results are used to develop and implement a personal development plan, prepared with the assistance of a professional coach. Interactive distance learning is used between residential sessions. During year two participants work, applying what they have learned, to develop and carry out an Individual Leadership Project

Additional information is available at

FSLI is dedicated to advancing and strengthening food systems by preparing a cadre of new leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to invent and reinvent the food systems of the future. It is a program of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, with funding provided by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The University of North Carolina is the host site responsible for implementation of the program.

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