Mississippi State now offers an online graduate degree program in forestry to help working professionals and others expand their education.
This spring, the university’s College of Forest Resources began providing a master’s of science degree program through distance learning capabilities of the campus’ Division of Academic Outreach and Continuing Education.
The 30-hour graduate curriculum covers forest management, natural resource policy and law, and forest economics, said Andy Ezell, forestry department head.
Ezell said this expansion of traditional campus study is expected to quickly attract participants currently working around the state and region.
"We have numerous former students and others that would like to expand their education but are restricted by work schedules, location, and family obligations," he said. "We believe this new distance-learning option will provide a winning professional situation for both the students and their employers."
The degree program also is "military friendly" in its willingness to assess all military experience that may apply toward an academic program of study, Ezell observed.
Admission to the master’s program is open to all who have earned at least a "B" grade average in the last 60 hours of a relevant undergraduate major, as part of a bachelor’s degree earned at an accredited academic institution. Admission to the university also is required.
"We are extremely pleased to offer this opportunity to students who desire to expand their education and professional standards," said George Hopper, dean of the College of Forest Resources. "We feel this new program is filling a vital niche, especially for many non-traditional students."
For more information, visit www.distance.msstate.edu/forestry/index.html.