A one-day workshop offered by Mississippi State University’s Franklin Furniture Institute will provide training on the properties of wood.
The Wood Properties and Frame Design workshop will take place from from 8:30 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. September 14 in the university’s Franklin Furniture Center
The workshop costs $40 and is open to anyone interested in learning how to maximize the strength, durability, and quality of wood products.
Assistant Extension professor David Jones will provide a hands-on demonstration and exercise in wood species identification. Jones also will discuss the federal government’s Lacey Act and its impact on the wood and wood products industries.
MSU’s forest products professor Jilei Zhang will provide training on furniture frame design for strength and quality and hands-on joint and performance testing. Participants also will preview a new frame joint software.
To register for the workshop, visit www.ffi.msstate.edu/wood_properties.asp. For information, contact Amy Garrard, 662-325-8453 or amy.garrard@msstate.edu.