A biomass and bioenergy short course for local government officials, businesses, landowners, foresters and loggers will be held on Dec. 8.
Experts from Mississippi State University’s Extension Service, the university&rsquo's Forest and Willdlife Research Center, and the Mississippi Technology Alliance will share information about creating biofuels, bioenergy ventures and the economics of biomass plantations.
"The southeastern United States possesses the climate and land availability to produce considerable amounts of biomass," said Jason Gordon, Extension forestry specialist in Grenada. "With advances in technology, woody forest biomass can be converted to liquid fuels as well as higher-valued products and chemicals. It is important to understand the opportunities and challenges associated with this new market."
The registration fee of $35 per person or $50 per couple covers reference materials, refreshments and lunch. Space is limited and registration is required by Dec. 1. Call the MSU Extension Service’s forestry department at (662) 325-3905.
The short course will be held at the Grenada County Office Building. Sign-in begins at 8:30 a.m. The course will end at 3:00 p.m.
Foresters can earn 5 CFE, Cat 1 hours and loggers can earn 5 CLE hours by attending the workshop.