MSU seminar offers exporting resources


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Posted: 1/31/2013


A Feb. 7 workshop will familiarize participants with some of the resources available to assist Mississippi manufacturers who want to begin or expand export activities.

Mississippi State University's Franklin Furniture Institute is hosting the Getting to Know Your Export Resources workshop. It is funded by the Delta Regional Authority.

Since nearly 95 percent of consumers live outside the United States, exporting businesses take advantage of these markets and experience increased sales and profits. Many resources are available to help companies, regardless of size, become successful exporters. This workshop is designed to introduce businesses to these resources.

The half-day workshop begins at 8:45 a.m. and concludes at noon. There is no charge to attend this workshop, which will be at Mississippi Delta Community College's Capps Technology Center in Indianola.

A panel of experts will address export-related issues, including researching and finding the right market for products, providing trade leads from around the world, financing and insuring export transactions, and logistical assistance with packaging, labeling, documentation and shipping requirements.

For more information or to register, contact Debbie Miller at (662) 325-6787 or

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