Natural resource workshop explores outdoor businesses


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Posted: 4/16/2012


Farmers, landowners and resource managers will find the newest tools to establish and manage a natural resource enterprise at a one-day workshop in Yazoo County.

The May 2 event will begin at 8 a.m. at Field Quest Farms in Benton. The morning presentations include revenue potential, liability and legal concerns, and marketing an outdoor recreational business.

During the afternoon, participants will tour the Field Quest Farm and view demonstrations of quail and turkey habitat and farm pond construction. Discussions in the field will cover Farm Bill cost-share assistance programs. The program will conclude at 4 p.m.

Field Quest Farms, located about 13 miles southeast of Yazoo City, is known for its champion bird dogs, which will be demonstrated during the afternoon session.

The workshop is part of a series by the Natural Resource Enterprises Program at Mississippi State University. The program is a partnership with the MSU Extension Service, MSU Forest and Wildlife Research Center, Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Registration for the workshop is $25, which includes a reference notebook, lunch, presentations by resource professionals and a field tour. Early registration is recommended due to space limitations.

For more information or to register for the workshop, call (662) 325-3133 or go online to

Wildlife and Fisheries