Retired wildlife biologist to lead 2013 Carlton N. Owen Lecture


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Posted: 10/30/2013


The immediate past-president of The Wildlife Society is this year's guest for Mississippi State's 2013 Carlton N. Owen Lecture Series.

Wini Kessler will lead the Monday [Nov. 4] public program. Her presentation begins at 1:30 p.m. in the Tully Auditorium of the university's Thompson Hall.

Founded in 1937, the society is a non-profit scientific and educational association dedicated to excellence in wildlife stewardship through science and education. Its offices are located in Bethesda, Md.

Mississippi State's Owen Lecture Series was established nearly two decades ago in the College of Forest Resources by the Greenville, S.C., resident and 1974 university graduate for whom it is named. The program focuses on natural resource conservation issues.

Kessler, a certified wildlife biologist and TWS Fellow, will discuss her career in natural resources that included two decades with the U.S. Forest Service.

Kessler is a board member of the Wildlife Hunting Heritage and Conservation Council, Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation and Ecosystem Management Research Institute. She also is a 20-year professional member of the Boone and Crockett Club, the oldest wildlife conservation organization in North America.

In addition to serving as the Forest Service's Alaska regional director, the Texas A&M University doctoral graduate held faculty positions at American and Canadian universities over a long career. Her bachelor's and master's degrees were completed at the University of California-Berkeley,

Now retired, Kessler resides in rural British Columbia.

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