MSU forest resources professorships awarded


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Posted: 12/20/2013


Three Mississippi State University faculty in the College of Forest Resources and the Forest and Wildlife Research Center were named distinguished professors for exceptional teaching, service and research accomplishments.

Forestry Extension professor Stephen Dicke was named the George L. Switzer Extension Professor of Forestry. Dicke, based at the Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center in Raymond, specializes in urban forestry and timber taxation.

Dicke is a certified arborist and assists landowners with a wide range of urban forestry topics, including construction impact and casualty loss. He earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Missouri, a master's degree from the University of Nebraska and a doctorate from Mississippi State.

Forest products professor Dan Seale was named the Warren S. Thompson Professor of Wood Science and Technology. A 30-year veteran at MSU, Seale works in engineered wood and has assisted with the commercialization of products constructed from small-diameter trees and kenaf, a fibrous plant similar to bamboo.

Seale earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from MSU and a doctorate from Clemson University.

Wildlife, fisheries and aquaculture professor Eric Dibble was named the Dale H. Arner Distinguished Professor of Aquatic Sciences. Dibble is a nationally respected scientist in invasive aquatic plants, fish populations and ecology.

Dibble earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Wisconsin and a doctorate from the University of Arkansas.

The professorships were presented during ceremonies at the college's annual advisory banquet. The professorships are named for outstanding faculty in each of the college's departments.

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