Quail, turkey management will be discussed Feb. 27


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Posted: 1/21/2015


Landowners, managers and hunters wanting to learn how to develop their land for turkey and quail can take part in a seminar on Feb. 27.

Mississippi State University nd the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks are organizing the workshop, which will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science. Sessions will conclude at 3 p.m. The Jackson chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation is sponsoring the event.

Topics include quail and turkey biology and ecology, field and forest management, predator ecology and management, supplemental plantings and feeding, pen-raised quail and cost-share for wildlife habitat management.

Continuing education credits are available for forestry and logger programs.

Feb. 20 is the deadline for submitting the $20 registration, which covers lunch and materials.

The museum is located at 2148 Riverside Drive in Jackson. For additional questions on the gamebird workshop, call 662-325-3174.

Wildlife and Fisheries